Helping you find a career in the television industry
All TV programmes require a team of people spanning from researchers in the pre-production planning stage, the directors and stage hands during filming, as well as the producers post-production. Have a look at the credits of the next TV programme that you watch to get an idea of just how many people were needed to bring it together.
All of these people require different skill sets, which means there is room for a range of people within this industry. Each person in a team is important for a successful production.
Experience is everything within television, so you will have to prepare yourself for starting at the bottom and working your way up. The pay is notoriously low for these initial roles, but with determination you will be able to climb the ladder.
Many TV roles are on a freelance basis, so the income may not be very stable and this lack of security can deter people. However, large projects can be very well paid and help to bridge any gaps between work.
TV work can be very demanding and involve long hours to meet project deadlines. However, the buzz that comes from a sharing a successful production that many people enjoy makes it worth all of the hard work.